Climate adaptation measures

The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.

This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.

Construction of anti-pollution basins

Reservoirs conceived to temporarily storage pluvial flows which are contaminated in order to avoid its discharge into the receiver waters when the WWTP can't handle the generated flows.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector / Human Health
Construction of diversion tunnels

Underground structures that transport and storage stormwater and/or wastewater generated in large catchment basins.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Grey options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector / Waste Sector
Contribute to the Resilience Atlas

Map all climate initiatives put into practice and publish them in the resilience atlas

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Control centre and situation room

Implement a Resilience Management Centre that allows the management of critical events in the city in real time. It includes: sensors, holistic monitoring system, KPIs, early warning system and response protocols

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Cool Roofs

The cool roof is a roof characterized by a high ability to reflect the incident solar radiation (solar reflectance or albedo) and, at the same time, to emit thermal energy in the infrared spectrum (thermal emissivity). It is achieved by applying on the external surface of the roof paints or layers of surface coating, generally white or light grey materials.

Heat wave
Hazard: Heat wave
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Human Health / Properties
Coral Reefs

Underwater structures made of calcium carbonate and found in tropical waters.

Heat wave
Hazard: Flood / Heat wave
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Rural
Sector: Natural Areas
Create a network of urban nature reserves

Create a network of urban nature reserves

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Green options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Natural Areas
Create a resilience atlas

Create a resilience atlas that includes vulnerability maps which ensure the information is accessible to all the municipal players involved in urban planning, development and services

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Create and maintain Flood Risk Asset Registers

Create and maintain Flood Risk Asset Registers to identify key flood risk assets and who is responsible for their maintenance. To include publically and privately owned assets and inspections of these.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector / Human Health
Create design criteria and, with public participation, plan the network of urban green corridors

Create design criteria and, with public participation, plan the network of urban green corridors, a mesh connecting the green spaces with each other and with the surrounding natural areas, expressly strengthening the role that green infrastructure plays as a measure for adapting to the possible effects of climate change

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas / Human Health
Create seasonal gardens

Create ephemeral or seasonal gardens

Hazard: Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban
Sector: Natural Areas
Creation of ponds and wetlands

Features with a permanent pool of water that provide both attenuation and treatment of surface water runoff. They can support emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation along their shoreline and in shallow, marshly zones, which helps enhance treatment processes and has amenity and biodiversity benefits

Hazard: Flood
Category: Nature Based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Approaches / Blue options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
CSO Early Warning System

Early warning system consisting on a weather forecast, a sewer model, WWTP model and receiving water model to anticipate CSO events and to give early alerts to local administrations, operators and citizens to decrease the impacts of such events

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Hazard: Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban
Sector: Waste Sector / Water Sector
Data collection for flood recovery

When a major incident occurs and government is providing support to impacted areas, then it is important that a more accurate record of flood impacts is developed in order to target funds. At this stage data is likely to be collected by local authorities and will be differentiated between homes and businesses. The numbers should be confirmed rather than estimated.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Capacity Building, empowering and lifestyle practices
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Water Sector
Deepen knowledge on the urban climate (weather stations, etc.)

Deepen our knowledge of the urban climate by installing a network of fixed weather stations (to collect data that would enable us to know what its effect is on health and other sectors of interest) and occasional or mobile ones (that would enable us to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures applied, such as measuring climate variables before and after pilot interventions in urban space, especially in the settings identified as the most vulnerable)

Hazard: Non-specific
Category: Knowledge and Behavioural change / Information and Awareness Rising
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban
Sector: Information / Management Sector
Deepening water bodies

The water body bed represents the floor of the waterbodies, between each bank. The water body bed is deepened by excavating the surface layer of the river bed. The deepened river bed provides more room for the river

Hazard: Flood / Drought
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas / Water Sector
Define and improve pre-disaster plans

Strong Information / Management Sectoral pre-disaster plans and flexibility to improve response

Hazard: Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Policy instruments
Application scale: Metropolitan Area
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Human Health
De-inventory of main processing units

Type of natech trigger addressed: Winds and storms, Flooding

Extreme Winds
Hazard: Extreme Winds / Flood
Category: Governance and Institutional / Management and planning
Application scale: Building
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Waste Sector
Demountable flood protection barrier

Demountable flood protection barriers consist of a combination of removable and pre-installed permanent components. The system is planned to be erected following a flood warning and dismounted after the end of a flood warning. Contrary to the temporary flood barriers, the site of use is constrained by the location of the pre-installed components (foundation). Generally, the demountable components are composed of pillars, which are fixed after the warning alert to the pre-installed ground components. Between the pillars the protection line is inserted, which may consists of beams or plates.

Hazard: Flood
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: City
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Properties / Water Sector

The dike on the river side of a polder is relocated land-inwards then the water can flow into the area at high water levels.

Sea Level Rise
Hazard: Flood / Sea Level Rise
Category: Physical and Technological / Technological options
Application scale: Region
Area type: Urban / Rural
Sector: Natural Areas / Water Sector
Showing 41-60 of 320 items.