The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.
This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.
Design pilot projects for social superblocks, geared towards providing a comprehensive care service for dependent persons using local homecare service teams
The aim of flood rescue operations is to move people from immediate or potential harm to safety. Failed evacuation operations (e.g. evacuation operations which have been initiated too late and have not been completed before egress routes are lost) can result in the need for large-scale coordinated rescue plans to take place to rescue people and animals from flood islands or inundated areas.
Raise awareness and enhance lines of contact to communicate flood risks and increase community activity. Such as conducting leaf clarances during the autumn fall or preparing property level protection ahead of flood events.
Mobile app to notify alerts to the general population and to allow citizens to report emergencies. Increases information means, awareness to the citizens and engagement
Relocating a dike land-inwards increase the width of the floodplains and provide more room for the river.
A dike is an elongated artificially constructed embankment or levee, which protects low-lying areas against higher water levels.
Disconnecting paved surfaces from sewer system means to reduce the amount of clean runoff water collected in combined or separate sewer systems. Instead of collecting runoff to the sewer, the runoff can be transported through the surface, collected/stored for other water uses or infiltrated into the soil.
Draw up a base map of the city's subsoil to find out the present degree of occupancy and impermeability and create reserve spaces for infiltration
Draw up a design guide with sustainability and resilience criteria (based on the sustainable urban planning workshops) for architects, engineers and so on, as well as key players such as research centres and universities
Draw up technical guidelines for public buildings that include the use of productive roofs, walls and facades
Through municipal archives, citizens will be able to be informed about the natural and technological risks to which the municipality is subjected throughout the years and the implementation of selected measures.
Building elevation is a measure mainly suitable for new constructions, but it can also be applied on existing buildings. The building is elevated to prevent flood waters entering the lowest floor of the building. This can be done by elevating the entire house, including the floor either on extended foundations, piers, piles or columns (normally, as a preventive measure), or by leaving the house in its existing position and constructing a new, elevated floor within the house (palliative).
Type of natech trigger addressed: All
Establish/update/opertionalise emergency plans with close cooperation of emergency entities, decision makers, enterpireses and citizes. Include related new developments of climate change knowledge.
Treatment units located at sewers overflow locations to partially treat the pollutants present in stormwater. There exist several alternatives: screens, sieves, baffles, vortex separators, coagulation/decantation, filtration, disinfection. They mainly reduce gross solids, sediments and its associated pollutants and some microbiological pollution in case of disinfection. They aim to reduce discharges into the receiving environment during rain episodes and ensure that any water discharged into the natural environment is of sufficient quality
Drainage below surface level usually consists of a permeable pipe in the subsurface to drain ground water.