The measures available in this web platform are a compilation of the state of the art in Climate Change Adaptation. They provide information about all potential solutions to reduce the impacts, damage and vulnerability of any territory. The measures have been obtained from different EU-funded scientific research projects. They are classified to facilitate the selection, using the search engine and the filters available.
This is a live tool, and it welcomes new measures as the Climate Adaptation research and practice evolves. If you register, you can enter new measures, and use all of them to create a tailored strategy for the municipality, district or region of interest. Also they can be included in the prioritization tool to compare the impact of the measures, which supports Climate Action decision-making.
Considering the dependence of several services on power network, establish a more uniform common understanding on the risk management in order to promote a more effective communication and to enable the preparation for eventual disruptions of several activities, considering power relations among actors.
End-user and system devices are not particularly vulnerable to climate changes projected in the UK, because their operating environmental ranges are wider than the conditions we are likely to experience. However, the example of the combination of climate change and the drive towards free-air cooling in data centres (see case study in Chapter 7) shows that in some instances there may be a commercial interest in developing devices and components with higher temperature operating ranges. In the data centres context, the R&D is driven by the need to reduce energy and water consumption for cooling, but additionally, the technological advance will provide adaptation to climate change. This form of direct adaptive response for individual devices and components is therefore possible, but unlikely to occur as a response to climate change alone. In relation to devices, there seems to be no requirement to change technical standards or product specifications as a precautionary response to climate change. In most cases the product life is far too short to warrant a specific consideration of climate change in its lifetime. Instead, product design (and accompanying standards) is expected to „evolve‟ over time, in response to a range of driving factors, one of which could be experience of weather events. The modular approach to infrastructure design in the ICT sector, necessitated mainly to suit the wide range of lifetimes of components, as well as the rapid pace of technological change, is particularly suited to incremental adaptation, allowing progressively more climate-resilient pieces to be integrated into the infrastructure. One other recent advance in technology which is suited to adaptation is the trend towards reprogrammable technologies, or so-called “chameleon” devices, which could enable a range of different functions, each tuned to suit the particular environmental conditions encountered during a product‟s life.
While we have already noted the inherent resilience available in the multiple networks which make up ICT, there are nevertheless ways in which this resilience could be further enhanced to cope with localised extreme weather hazards. The diversity of systems and their interoperability must be maintained or improved to ensure a level of redundancy sufficient to deal with local events that may rapidly put pressure on, for example, mobile networks, at times of crisis. While urban areas are well-served by a wide range of alternative network coverage, more rural and potentially more vulnerable locations (such as those at the end of network lines, those which have access to only one mobile network and those which can be difficult to access during times of flood) do not have the same level of service. It may be that further strategic or dynamic nodes could be introduced for specific locations where interconnectivity needs to be allowed under disaster conditions, balanced against cost benefit analysis. A set of minimum national standards for ICT infrastructure resilience could be considered, which may or may not be in line with „commercial decision‟ standards. These could be used in the planning process to first identify potential areas of weakness and second, to stimulate adaptation actions. These standards would need to consider not just the resilience of ICT but its implications for other dependent systems in the National Infrastructure.
Exploit the Besòs aquifer resource as potable water and build a purification plant
Study the feasibility of producing regenerated water at the Besòs WWTP to feed the Besòs aquifer, to maintain the river’s ecological flows and feed the purification plant
Shallow trenches filled with stone gravel that create temporary subsurface storage for the attenuation, conveyance and filtration of surface water runoff.
Offer tax incentives, grants and/or subsidies for housing energy improvements
Eradication of cross-discharges between domestic sewers and water lines and between storm-water sewers and separate sewers
A floating building is a building which is not supported by a fixed foundation, it floats on water.
Provide different purposes on retention basins during dry conditions, such as playgrounds, sports grounds, walkways, parks and others.
The floodplain can be enlarged by lowering the level or/and increasing the width of floodplain area. An area of the floodplain increases will create more room for the river during high flow by increasing the discharge capacity and provide upstream retention.
Evacuation routes and infrastructure in cities that are prone to flooding need to be flood proofed. Available options to reduce the negative impacts of flooding are maintenance and condition of infrastructure, use of appropriate design and materials, creation of floating roads and creation of elevated roads for evacuation routes. Especially for the floating options, those roads are flexible in both time and space and can move to accommodate a changing water level apart from floating.
Foster water saving on a municipal level in irrigating parks and gardens, fountains, street cleaning and municipal buildings
Gather, manage and share high quality data to help understand the risk of flooding. It provides greater understanding of how the catchment reacts under certain weather conditions can help emergency response preparations.
Type of natech trigger addressed: Winds and storms, Flooding, Hurricanes
Outdoor floors, made with tiles, slabs or blocks of various materials, may include the presence of grassy joints. The filling of the cavities, with openings of different number and size depending on the type, is composed of vegetable soil with spontaneous or cultivated herbaceous species. Depending on the type of substrate present under the pavement, the percentage of infiltration can even reach 100%. This type of flooring cannot support heavy loads, therefore it can only be used for pedestrian areas, parking lots or streets with a limited intensive use.
Green street design helps manage storm water runoff to minimize the amount of pollutants that reach the waterways during rain storms.